Supporting our Lake

Prefer Venmo?  Pay @MLA-SD and include your order and email address in the memo.

We've had extra expenses this year due to the drought conditions, so every bit helps!  These meat prices are better than the grocery store, so feel free to stock up!  This is a WIN-WIN for everyone involved, just in time for the 4th of July!  All proceeds go towards water pumping expenses.

Pork Ribeye (10 lb. box)  These no-bone pork ribeye steaks are individually wrapped and ready to go on the grill!   

Pick up date:  Saturday, June 25 from 1-4 PM 

Pick up location:  Brown Box Parking lot (West entry.)

This Fundraiser is to benefit McCook Lake Association’s mission to improve the McCook Lake for everyone’s enjoyment!

Thank you for supporting the McCook Lake Association!




McCook Lake Association's

2022 Meat Fundraiser

Pork Ribeyes (10# box)

$45.00 each